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How does the health system in Brazil work?

How does the health system in Brazil work?

    Are you a foreigner and are you going to travel or move to Brazil? Understand how the public and private health system in Brazil. The Brazilian health system, also known as SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde) is a public universal health...

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Tax Guide in Brazil

Tax Guide in Brazil

  In this post, we present an overview of taxes in Brazil. Check it out and stay inside! Brazil is among the countries in the world with the highest tax rate. About 38% of the national economy is earmarked for paying taxes. In all, considering...

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Discover How the Business Culture Works in Brazil

Discover How the Business Culture Works in Brazil

If you intend to open a company in Brazil, learn about the business culture in this country. Business culture refers to the set of customs, principles and values ​​that govern an organization. In general, these characteristics vary according to the...

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Open Company In Brazil: How to Start

Open Company In Brazil: How to Start

Do you intend to open a company in Brazil? Check out the types of company, necessary documents and requirements to start your business in the country.Brazilians residing abroad or foreigners can open a new company in the country, as long as they...

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Brazilian CPOM: What Your Business Needs to Know

Brazilian CPOM: What Your Business Needs to Know

Whenever a company is hired to provide services for another company, it is essential to be very careful with all the necessary tax and legal procedures, for this reason, in this article, we will learn more about brazilian CPOM. In this way, when...

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